Our Plan

Welcome to our plan for Solihull West and Shirley

1. Securing new investment for our local NHS

I was a surgeon in the NHS and have the experience to work effectively with the local NHS Trusts, the Government, and other stakeholders to ensure residents have the quality of care they need and deserve. This includes restoring A&E services at Solihull Hospital and recruiting more GPs and dentists.

2. Tackling crime and keeping our streets safe

Crime is a blight on our community. I will fight the Labour Police and Crime Commissioner to get our fair share of police officers and to keep our Police Station open, to ensure a real neighbourhood police presence to protect our community.

3. Backing our local High Streets

High streets are the lifeblood of local communities, I want to see them thriving and creating jobs for local people. I will work with the Council to seize the opportunity of the Mell Square redevelopment to enhance Solihull town centre, and to press for further investment for Shirley's High Street.

4. Delivering affordable homes whilst protecting our green belt

Our “Brownfield First” approach, where derelict and unused sites are developed first, must continue. I will work with local residents, planners, and local councillors to ensure we build sustainable homes without blighting our precious green spaces. 

5. Improving our children's future

Early years are vital in a child's development. I want to ensure no child is left behind, meaning that all children have the support and opportunities to thrive and maximise their potential. Improving SEND provision locally is a real priority for me.

6. Reducing energy bills and tackling climate change

Climate change is the defining issue of our time. I will work with our Council to retrofit more homes, and lobby Government for more support for local businesses to decarbonise, helping to bring down household and business energy bills while slashing emissions.